Coordinators' March Checklist

Here is your March Coordinators' checklist.Some of the list below is pertinent to network members but some may be of interest and of use to non-network members too.Click on the months highlighted and  can look back at our September,October,November,December and , February Coordinators' Checklists too.

Our Network News blog page on the website has a record of up to date class activities and outcomes too that you may find really useful to share with colleagues.Here is an example of work produced by network schools that we share and hope inspires you to do something similar:

Take a look here at all the ideas and work shared so far this year.

Network News

Our annual conference is on Thursday 29 June .The theme is "Progress with Primary Languages" .There will now be four key note presenters and also a  choice of  workshops led by local practitioners too.All school members for 2017-18 will receive a free delegate's place.You can now register and if you take a look here you can find out more about the conference and also book your place. Primary Languages Conference details and registration.

You have probably already seen the C'est Emilie French clips.We are making these for evey half term of the PLN Ready Made French SoW and start on the Spanish equivalents this Friday.Here is a blog post of ideas to develop the language of the clips back in the classroom learning environment. C'est Emilie


The first " Es Irene " clip is up on You Tube and for network members  all the French and Spanish clips are being put in Ready Made French and Spanish in the appropriate half term areas. Transcripts of the key language will be added shortly on the VLE .

We are also in the process of producing target language support powerpoints for all 24 half term blocks in Ready Made French  and also in Ready Made Spanish.These will hopefully add a new dimension of support for staff on top of the Keywords and Phrases sheets and sound files we already have on the VLE. Watch out for an email alert as they go up on the VLE.


Local Spring networking twilights continue in to March in Warrington,St Helens,Sefton, Knowsley ,Halton, Manchester.We are also going to trial a LNM webinar led by myself in March for those of you who can't attend a local meeting .Watch out for this email,to be sent out very soon. Registration is available on the PLN website here .Focus is on "Spring in your Step"- Jack and the Beanstalk, healthy fruit salad master chef performances ,plant pot stories etcetra.These meetings are free and open to everyone.Resources will be put on the VLE in the Network Resources area in the local network meeting file later this month.

Emilie has started her new role within our organisation as the "Associate Teacher Coordinator. She is writing snapshots of the lessons she observes and I love them ,They bring a fresh new perspective.If she visits your school to observe as associate then she would also like to meet with you as coordinator to look at how effective the associate teacher programme can be / is already in school.Take a look at the snapshots so far of lessons: starting with the snapshot of Jayne and continuing with snapshots of Kate K, Sally and Janet W. 


It's worth taking a look in the Subject Planning area of the VLE and looking  in the MFL coordinators' Toolkit as new additions include French, German and Spanish versions of the marking code sheets that Robert produced for his own use in Barrowhall .Thanks Robert .

We have also added a Governors' presentation folder with presentation and handouts should you be asked to present to either SLT or governors.We think this will be really useful .Thanks to Cathy at St Andrew's for requesting this.  

Thanks also to Tricia at Our Lady's for sharing her Pupil Voice questionnaire as we have been able to put a generic version of this up on the VLE in the MFL Coordinators' toolkit so you can also access and use this if you need to.

I have just written this blog post with reflections based on an outstanding lesson I recently observed at Evelyn Street.Really I just wanted to reflect upon why  Spansh is becoming such an effective and integral part of learning at the school.There may be a few ideas here that you will want to consider as your next steps toward building effective and sustainable language learning supported by our network service .Seriously fun learning blog post. 

And now finally ideas and resources you may wish to look at, save or share with others to celebrate special calendar events this month,Don't forget that there are many more in Seasonal Specials on the VLE and also running through the main body of the Ready Made SoW on the VLE .....

Check out our Carnival resources. We have built carnival in  to the body of the lesson plans in Ready Made French and Spanish and the German SOW .You may also like to use our additional ideas in Teaching Resources area in Seasonal Specials Spring 2 folder.


Check out our World Book Day  resources and lesson plannning - based on stories from Aliens in Underpants ,How to train your Dragon and Dennis the Menace or Elmer the Explorer to Jack and the Beanstalk and the Enormous Turnip. There are also more creative speaking and wrting activities based on types of books we like to read and class surveys.Feedback about reading triaramas used by Carmelina this week is that the children loved them!


Finally this month, why not link your school's Easter celebrations to cultural traditions of Easter in the target language country or countries? Our Seasonal Specials Spring 2 folder has a dedicated Easter folder to help you,including an Easter egg hunt story aournd the garden in French,Spanish and German.Maybe you could use this as a stimulus for older children to create an Easter egg hunt in the target language for LKS2 around your school grounds or playground?   


Story character boxes


Seriously, fun learning