Radiant heart sentences
- Create a class display of radiant heart table top decrorations and at the same time practise the construction of simple , extended and sentences made up statements and opinions.... .
- Share the picture above with the class.Discuss with the class how this has been constructed.
- Children will need a sequence of different size hearts, preferably in different coloured card and card to cut into strips plus glue and scissors..
- Each size of heart represents a different part of a sentence e.g. personal pronoun, verb, noun, conjunction, opinion phrase etcetra.
- As class teacher you can decide how many hearts and how many different parts of a sentence you want the children to write.(This means that you can differentiate the activity table by table too in your class).
- What type of sentences can our children construct? Well right from Y3 Spring term our children are beginning to practise expressing likes and dislikes in simple sentence ( e.g. verb phrase: "I like" plus nouns, such as animals).In Year6 children are practising in Spring 1 opinions about sports and reasons why they have such opinions of sports.
- Model sentences for the children.
- Make one child construction leader on each table.It will be his/her responsibility to oversee the construction of the table "radiant heart" table top decoration
- Ask each child to construct his/her own radiant heart sentence.
- Ask the table to then create the radiant heart with the sentence from each child on the table radiating out from the centre of the table top decoration.