C'est Emilie!

Recently we have been busy adding to our large collection of VLE resources to support our network member schools as they develop primary language learning in their schools.

We have also shared some of these clips on You Tube .You will shortly be able to access very similar clips in Spanish with "Hola Irene" - in the pipeline right now.

We hope that you will enjoy the clips.We have kept the clips short, clear and as dynamic as possible so they can be used as a platform or stepping stone to "in class" learning following on from watching the clip.Below i will explore some ideas to help with this too. 

You can use the clips with the children and also you may like to consider ways of using the clips in community learning, language days and transition work or staff CPD.

Take a look below at "C'est Emilie" clips via You Tube  which we have made available to everyone. 

<div class="sqs-video-wrapper" data-provider-name="YouTube" data-html="[youtube=://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4Zy_vIZBC0&w=854&h=480]">

Feedback tells us the children love the clips....


Both specialist and non-specialist teachers are finding the clips really useful and a refreshing way to practise simple core language:



How can you use these clips in class?

  • Let the clip do the teaching. Watch and observe as your children engage with Emilie in French or Irene in Spanish.Take a moment to carry out some AfL and observe what the children understand and how they listen and respond. What will be the next steps for the class? 
  • Ask the children to create their own "photo booth" style "C'est Emilie " clips to perform for other children.Ask them to imagine that they are "Emilie, the French speaker and performer",and  based upon what they have seen ,heard and practised, create their own performances.This could be a pair, table or volunteers to the whole class activity.
  • If you have access to a green screen then use the clip as a spring board to the children's own imaginative and creative explorations of the same/ similar language content. Ask the children to observe the clip and make notes of key language that they may want to use in their own green screen performance and add as written text to their clips.    
  • Ask the children to extend the quiz or challenge sections of the clips and make their own class quiz challenge in the same style and with the same instructions that they have heard or practised during the "C'est Emilie "clip.
  • Revisist the clip .Hide the picture from the screen and just play and listen and see how the children can join in with the instructions and the activities without the visual support.

The clips contains limited language, because we see the clips as a tool to use in the effective primary language classroom.a support for teachers who feel less confident in the language and a spring board for all teachers to further creative and dynamic learning of the language.The clips are part of a wider range of language used within the PLN SOW and therefore colleagues within the network can access a wider range of language too. There will ultimately be a clip per half term per year from Y3 to Y6. Spring 1 and 2 now exist for Y3,4,5 and 6.Summer 1 and 2 will be created next half term.  

