Option B- Premium Plus Membership

Meet Lyn

Lyn was…

  • Frustrated at the lack of teaching outside of her classroom

  • Unable to support her non-specialists through curriculum time pressure

  • Was searching for a solution that wouldn’t increase her already busy workload

Join now

If you are interested in joining Lyn, then consider signing up to the network as a Premium Plus member, or try out the resources for free


  • Lyn now knows that teaching is done outside of her own classroom to a high standard

  • Lyn saves time in training knowing that staff are developing confidence and proficiency using the video lesson scheme of work

  • Staff are able to teach classes confidently

  • Pupils are making good progress across the school

  • Lyn enjoys teaching using the Click2Teach scheme whilst saving her own time

  • Lyn feels her languages provision is secure for the long term, and will be able to adapt to any future staff changes easily