Empower Every Teacher with the correct Tools to Deliver Outstanding Primary Foreign Languages

Schools who use Video2Teach see a massive transformation in under 2 weeks. Teachers will experience a significant boost in confidence using the team-teaching video lessons.

Who is it for?

For primary schools with low teacher confidence or expertise, who want to deliver KS2 French and Spanish, but don’t know where to start.

At first Tracy tested multiple different schemes

‘The year group that were using PLN, immediately thought it was something the whole school should use’

‘Once it was implemented across the whole school, it only took a lesson for people to see the light with primary languages’

Build Confidence

Our video-lead team teaching schemes of work allow the classroom teacher to build confidence whilst delivering high-quality languages. Couple this with our comprehensive CPD journey bespoke to every schools needs.

Immersive & engaging

With a native speaker expert teacher on screen, classes have access to a much higher level of immersion of the foreign language. The scheme is designed to be active, fun and highly engaging with the primary child at the centre of its focus

Save time

Your teachers will no longer require CPD & continued training for primary languages. Video2teach 2.0 is a team teaching tool for the classroom teacher.

Jon needed a solution that was accessible for every teacher

Lyn wanted languages to be taught across the whole school.

You want to teach languages effectively, but your teachers don’t feel confident to teach it?

Teaching foreign languages as a non-specialist is really difficult. Low confidence, teaching avoidance & a lack of enthusiasm is often experienced within primary schools across the UK.

The biggest problem non-specialist teachers face is that current schemes of work are not fit to support them appropriately. We found in the past, that ppt. and audio schemes required endless training and support, and teachers didn’t enjoy, nor were confident in delivering. Which resulted in poor student learning and enjoyment of languages. This is when we decided to build a new level of support in the classroom. Video2teach 1.0 was a team teaching scheme of work with video lessons.

Video2teach 1.0 was a roaring success in primary schools across the UK, with currently over 10,000 video lessons taught per month on the platform. We decided to double down on our strengths and build an even better version. Video2Teach 2.0. This is a highly supportive, immersive & engaging scheme of work. Designed to get all teachers delivering effectively, with minimal training and support. Let the teachers build confidence and skill whilst in the classroom lesson. We have developed the product to be even more concise all-round with professional sound and video quality, an even simpler navigation process of the ‘lesson page’ & even more exciting ways to get children practicing their language skills. This new version is another level of quality!

What it is

  • A highly supportive teaching tool for all teachers

  • An upskilling solution

  • A staff confidence builder

  • Simple & easy to use

  • Assurance for consistent foreign languages

  • Team teaching opportunities

  • Access to a native speaker in every lesson

  • High quality video & audio

What it isn’t

  • A video that takes over the whole lesson

  • A get out of jail card for teaching primary languages

  • Tricky to understand how to use

How much does it cost?

Video2teach is found in our ‘Premium plus membership package’. This is £395/ year.

Order today and get a 30% discount, you pay £275 (30% off)

Get started today for free in your school with a 3-week no-obligation trial of the resources

*small school discounts apply on request


  • Yes! Absolutely. Our digital platform is shaped for the non-specialist with appropriate schemes of work fit for anybody to teach. We also offer a host of CPD fo all teachers, most schools only need one whole staff CPD and the scheme of work, due to it’s team teaching properties, does the rest

  • The scheme of work has a simple and clear progression of the 4 skills of language learning, in line with the 12 attainment targets. We have key documentation showing this

  • If you follow our simple steps, schools report they notice a difference in teaching confidence immediately, and a significant change within 30 days. This is our guarantee

  • We help mixed-aged class schools case by case. Becaus ewe have noticed that every school is different, we like to book in a 1-1 with a PLN expert who will help fit our schemes to you school

  • The cost of premium plus membership, which has all of our best features is £395/ year. This covers all the schemes of work, CPD and support, the Planet Languages games app, and are continued commitment to updating and improving our service. Discounts apply for small schools and MAT/ trust deals

  • In short no. This is a service which helps schools transform their primary languages as effectively as possible. Yes, we have 2 fantastic schemes of work for KS2, and also a KS1 scheme, but as a service we look at the bigger picture, and there are more requirements neccessary, including CPD and planet languages and much more

  • Absolutely, many schools have made incredible transformations like this. Due to the highly supportive nature of the product, anybody can deliver languages

  • Because we offer the most effective way of transforming primary languages. An introductory call before your free trial is essential, to ensure that we can provide you with clear instruction on what your next best steps are

  • Yes absolutely, we have a scheme fo work built for them, and is used by any teachers. Click2teach. Premium membership is what you will require, £275/ year which comes with the planet languages games app and also CPD & support

  • We believe in an active and engaging way to language learning. We focus on key language learning skills in lessons which results in students being more ready for KS3 and beyond. We want all kids to love their languages by the end of primary