Physical fireworks
Listen ,respond and create physical firework displays in your French and Spanish language lessons. Combine simple gymnastics and creating shapes with target language listening and physical responses.
We have created a simple three step lesson guide ,written by a PE specialist and based on creating three gymnastics movements (stretch, pike and tuck) with accompanying phrase and sound files by native speakers.
Plus the alien character prompt cards will support your children as they create the physical shapes and will reinforce the gymnastic poses they are practising.
The three activities lead to the creation of group work where the children produce their own physical firework displays , based on well known types of fireworks they might see at a local firework display.
Why not work alongside the PE specialist or coach in school? One of our network schools,Bradshaw CP, combined Spanish language learning with a PE coaching session and the Spanish teacher worked alongside and supported the non- Spanish speaking PE coach to develop a sensational sequence of gymnastics and Spanish language learning .This is what Gwyneth Wellings, the Spanish teacher, had to say:
“This afternoon our year 4 children enjoyed a PE lesson in Spanish. Tom Dore our PE assistant used the Physical Fireworks with Spanish plan from the network. He isn’t a Spanish speaker but he made a real effort to use all the commands and to pronounce them. Afterwards he told me how much he had enjoyed it. He is hoping to use the plan for years 5 & 6 later in the week. I am thrilled - at last Spanish is being used for cross curricular purposes and not just in the Spanish lessons
You can access this resource as Primary Languages Network Premium Member on our VLE in the PE and Languages Pack or you can purchase the resource for just 0.99 pence from our Active Lingo shop in French, or Spanish.
A simple PE and French lesson, based upon gymnastics and the shapes fireworks make in the sky.
Practise with your classes the key instructions using our French native speaker sound file guides and then use the PE lesson, designed by our specialist PE teacher, to lead in French a gym lesson where children put together a sequence of gymnastic moves to create a physical French fireworks ‘ display