Coordinators' April Checklist.
So it is almost Easter and a well deserved holiday .The checklist this month is relatively short because schools' holidays seem to be all over the place this month. Hope you find the information useful below to help you through the month though. You can look back too at previous checklists from this academic year too if you want to see hiw far you have all come this year!. Click here on the March Coordinators' Checklist for previous months' blog posts.
Please sign up now for the PLN Conference on 29 June.Places are going fast and we have four tremendous national speakers and plus a choice of workships and Brilliant Publications and Little Linguist will be exhibiting too.Network member schools get a free place. Link for the registration and details is here .PLN Conference 29 June 2017.
A bouncy Easter poem in French with the words to follow along. Use the 'Easter Basket' resource from our shop to create a lesson with it!
This week and next week you may like to use our Easter poems in French and Spansih.These are short video clips as part of the Es Irene and C'est Emilie series .They are accessible on our You tube Channel and also they are in Seasonal Specials Spring 2 folder, in a file called Easter poem/Easter baskets. I have created a lesson with listening, speaking , performing and then reading and creating your own Easter basket hunt game to accompany the poem.The lesson and game are also avaible to non-network members in the Active Lingo area on the PLN website
Here is also a link to previous blog post of mine celebrating chocolate and songs and games from other countries to celebrate chocolate. click here: "International taste of chocolate"
Spring Webinar Agenda Network News VLE update Spring time resources Mothers Day Poem Webinar involves guest speaking from Michelle Hindley and Robert Artingstall
The new Es Irene and C'est Emilie clips linked to the SOW are up on the VLE in Ready Made French and Spanish .They are also downloadable from the KS2 French/Spanish SOW Plus Activities and resources folder .Plus we have made some short Spanish videos to set very simple listening tasks for classes as brain breaks or warm ups.These are also in the KS2 Spanish SOW Plus in a "short videos " folder.French will follow.Feedback from colleagues is that these are also useful for staff CPD.
We are currently working on podcasts and materials to explore core language at stage 1,2,3 or 4 in KS2 language learning.These will be up on the VLE at the end of April .Network members watch out for announcements.
If you didn't manage to listen to the Spring webinar but would still like to then the link is here to the webinar on our You tube channel.First 20 minutes are network news and VLE updates, from about 20 minutes in you can find out about our Jack and the Beanstalk sequence of six lessons and how Michelle Hindley adapted these for her young learners in French and Spanish.
Approximately 35 minutes in to the webinar we share our work on the Fruit Salad Masterchef and on the ~Plant Pot Story and there is a lovely interview with Robert Artingstall about his work with UKS2 with Masterchef resources and with Year 2 and the Plant Pot Story.The resources for all three focuses are in Network Resources on the VLE in the Local Network Meeting folder and in a file called "Spring in your Step".If you are not a network member you can buy these from our Active Lingo website area in the Spanish,French and German resources.
Our Puzzle It Out sheets have been revamped .Take a look on the VLE - available for evry half term from Y3 to Y6
— Janet Lloyd (@JanetLloydnet) March 30, 2017
As you can see the Puzzle It Outs for each half term from Y3 - Y6 have been revamped.There are new pictures for the listening, native speaker sound files for the listening activities with target language and English transcripts and reading texts ready to use in the target language for the reading acivities.These are in Ready Made French and Spanish and also they are all contained as one accessible resource in the Teaching Resources -Tracking and Assessment area in a Puzzle It Out folder.
Watch out for Summer 1 "Let's Write" guided writing sheets for Year 3,4,5 and 6 in French,Spanish and German as part of our KS2 SOW.
— Janet Lloyd (@JanetLloydnet) March 30, 2017
Ready for your work in Summer 1 we have created and added new writing sheets for Year 3,4,5 and 6 .These are available on the VLE in Ready Made SOW and also KS2 German SOW Plus .As you can see above in the tweet the writing sheets continue to be linked to the core language used in the half term focus.In Year 3 we are designing our hungry giant healthy breakfast diaries, in Year 4 we are designing our own Art and simple sentence jungle animal pictures, in Year 5 as you can see below we are packing our suitcases with useful sentences as we look at the location comparison unit and in Year 6 we are building speaking and writing cafe culture triaramas. We do hope that you find these useful.
Summer 1 Spanish writing sheets are up on the VLE and ready to use in our Ready Made Spanish SOW.In Y5 we are packing our suitcases!
— Janet Lloyd (@JanetLloydnet) March 30, 2017
In response to KS1 colleagues we have now begun to extend our KS1 resources for French and Spanish .Worth taking a look- it is a work in progress but we now have areas to include - exploring other languages, games and songs, story time, special events , KS1 French and Spanish packs of lessons and individual basic learning lessons..... More to come yet.Please feedback via email what else you would like us to include on the KS1 area for your network school.
So your checklist this month is
- Have you signed up for the conference?
- Use our Easter poems and Easter basket resources with classes in next two weeks and also look at the cultural similarities and differences in the ways we celebrate Easter or plan to use the video clips in the "International Taste of Chocolate blog post which looks at "chocolate " rather than a religious focus.
- Watch out for the podcast email and plan to use these podcasts as a review of learning at different stages (beginners (stage 1 ) , moving on (stage 2/3) , advanced (stage 4) with your learners.
- Plan to use the writing sheets to add creativity in the learning and as a writing support for all your learners no matter what ability.
- Share the Es Irene and C'est Emilie clips with children and colleagues and use these as models for all staff on how to present and then practise and set up activities with core language.
- Take a look at the Jack and the Beanstalk resources or the Plant Pot Story and see if you can plan for a focus on growing things and Jack and the Beanstalk as a cross curricular unit of work.
- Watch out for network membership invoices for 2017-2018