Snapshot 2016-17- Xmas Rap!

Meet Carmelina ,working with PLN in one of our Warrington Primary schools, delivering Primary French.Today the Year 5 class at Locking Stumps CP and Carmelina were working towards creating and recroding group Christmas raps and remembering some facts about Christmas in France. Year 5 have been learning French for two years and a term in KS2.

I walked in to a greetings rap.A rap that the children are familiar with and have been singing at the start of their lessons since the start of this half term .Today the children took the rhythm,style and beat of the rap and turned in to their own "French Christmas Rap" performances. DFE AT: · listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding /speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structure.

Carmelina set clear objectives for the class,which involved ,reading, writing and speaking in pairs and groups- all with a Christmas twist.the chikdren had to read a rap about Noel,explore the key language and then create and write their own raps, which finally they performed as raps. 

Carmelina was supported throughout the lesson by the class teacher, who joined in with and supported children too.


The children worked in pairs to explore the Christmas language they might use to create their raps.Carmelina staged the Christmas word and phrases explorations .First of all the children had to read and see how many of the words and phrases they could recognise and remember from the last two Christmases when they had learnt French.Then the children had to look for words that were similar and only after this could the chidren use bilingual dictionaries to find tricky words and phrases.

Children's observations and shared talk in activities like this are always priceless. "Look the word Noel" is repeated lots of times! It must mean Christmas because it is in joyeux noel and also in ...." Oh the French word for stable is almost the same , it just doesn't start with an S".DfE AT broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including through using a dictionary 



Carmelina cleverly took feedback from the children, which led to the introduction of simple facts about Christmas.For example "That's right the phrase means Christmas meal but lots of French people have their special Christmas meal on Christmas Eve"  and ."Yes it's a yule log and do you know that is the French Christmas cake" .......Oncde they had explored all the language,they read along with Carmel and explored the pronunciation of the key language in the rap. DfE AT: explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words

The class spent a moment or two remembering the beat and rhythm of their greetings rap from the start of the lesson and then Carmelina modelled her "Christmas Rap" for the children.Once again they read along with Carmel and explored the pronunciation of the key language in the rap. DfE AT: explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of word 

Time to work in grouos and put together their draft raps.The previous activities meant that all the children had a rhythm to base their rap upon ,word lists and an example rap to the rhythm on the screen to support them.Different groups needed different amounts of support and I loved the fact that some of the children wanted to move away from the support and produce their own target language Christmas raps. DfE AT describe people, places, things and actions orally* and in writing





Finally it was time to perform the raps and to record the raps for the school userfiles on our PLN VLE and also the school intranet. An opportunity to both colect evidence of performance and spoken language and also to celebrate creative language work with Year 5 French.


Carmelina gave children time to re-practise or check lines where they thought they could improve what they had written as a group, so second recordings of some groups were made. In each rap, Carmelina identified key phrases, written by the children, that she "really liked" . 

Finally there was just time to re-cap on those cultural Christmas facts that had cropped up during the feedback of the Chritsmas words and phrases..... and then it was time for "School Christmas Lunch"! 






Christmas Crackers!


Yoga with French termly summary