Festive lights

I saw the tweet below of the switching on of the Malaga Christmas lights 2016. 


Hanuka,Diwali,Christmas are all times when we celebrate with lights.  

So why not take a tour of festive lights with the children and make this in to a simple target language spoken festive activity too.

You can find lots of video clips of seasonal lights on Youtube and you can search for and find a plethera of festive light pictures on Google .

  1. Share a maximum of 5 videos or 5  pictures with the children of festive lights.
  2. Number these video clips or pictures.
  3. Share one of the clips or pictures with the children.Ask them waht they like about the picture/video in english
  4. Take them on a festive tour of al the videos or pictures..Let them watch and enjoy and ask them to think as they look about what they can see, the colours, objects, shapes .
  5. Give the children thinking and talking time to come up with in the target language the colours they can see and adjectives that describe what they can see in one of the pictures or videos.They may need to use bilingual dictionaries for this too .
  6. Take feedback. Create a reference flip chart sheet for all the children with this information.
  7. Take a second look at the  2 of the videos or 2 of the pictures. Ask  the chidren to help you to compose a sentence to describe what and why they like or dislike the festive lights they can see. 
  8. Now give the children access to all the festive pictures or screen grabs of each video as a memory prompt.
  9. Ask the children in rough to prepare a sentence about why they like or do not like the lights in each of the 5 videos or pictures you have shared. (I like the  lights because ......./I don't like the lights because .....).
  10. Ask the children to read aloud each of their sentences to a partner.
  11. Divide your class in to five groups .Allocate each group one of the videos or pictures.
  12. Can each member of each group present the sentence he/she has written about the specific picture or video to the class?
  13. You could put each picture or a photo of each video on to a large piece of sugar paper and invite the children to write their opinions of each picture /video on the correct piece of sugar paper .This would work best if you made this a caroussel, timed activity , moving from one picture to the next.  

Table top stories


Star gazers.