Striding out a sentence
With our young language learners who are now in their second year or beyond of learning a language in KS2 we will be encouraging them all to try to form sentences- both spoken and written- in the target language this year.
These will range from simple noun, verb,adjective sentences (KS2 second year of language learning) to sentences using adverbs and maybe prepositions or that use conjunctions to create more complex sentences (KS2 fourth year of language learning).
Here is a game that can be repeated and it is also a way to measure progress informally- take stock at the beginning of the year and repeat later in the year and see how much improvement there is over the year.
- You need a space and a straight walk way.
- You need a picture or prompt stimulus- with a familiar context and content
When you first play the game , invite a volunteer to stride along the line and make up their own sentence to reach the picture or prompt.Each stride is a part of the sentences
e.g.- take a very simple sentence and picture : the dog is black"
First stride : "The"
Second stride: " dog"
Third stride: "is"
Fourth stride: "black"
Can the volunteer complete the four strides independently or does the volunteer need to ask for help?
If he/she needs help then a signpost is needed! The signpost is a second child who can show the first child the word or help the child to create the verb correctly etc, so that the first child can keep on striding to the picture or prompt.
Great opportunity here for AfL
You could ask the rest of the class ot think what thewy would say and to write this on mini whiteboards to show at the end when their classmate has completed his or her "striding sentence".
To take this further,make it a timed challenge!
You need a stop watch or timer.
How quickly can a child complete an accurate striding sentence