When I grow up, I will be a .....
I spent last week in France and was delighted to meet five year old Sophie who had all her precious possessions in a most marvellous rucksack! (I saw the whole range of these rucksacks in a toy shop window in Dijon last summer and was inspirec by them then!)
Thanks to Sophie though I now have a noun collector!
You see there is a whole range of rucksacks,pencil cases and bags sporting pictures such as:
The activities I now have in mind could be done in all languages!
- First of all ask the children to share their aspirations for the future in English
- Now ask them to look up in bilingual dictionaries their apsirational jobs and roles they would like to have in the future
- Create an alphabetical list of the roles the children would like- in the target language.Ask the children to help you do this and to then sign their names against their aspirational jobs and roles on the list.How many doctors, nurses, farmers , dancers etc have you potentially got in your class?
- Engage the children with table or group games of charades to guess the professions
- Ask the children to create a a class display of characters (like those in the drawings above) conveying the roles/ professions.On each pucture ask the children to write the sentence in the target language "When I grow up I will be a ....".Ask them to omit the role or profession and to write this on a separate piece of paper or card
- Create a gap filler velcro or blu-tac display and invite children up to read the names of the roles and professions on the paper/ card and to place them at the end of the incomplete sentence under the correct drawing in your class art gallery
- Now it's time to design the rucksacks/pencil cases or bags to suit the aspirations of your class e.g the footballer/ prince/ doctor/ teacher/policeman etcetra.
- Ask the children to design their container (it must be able to hold card strips with nouns written on the card strips). it could be a rucksack/pencil case or bag.They must wirte the incomplete sentence on the container (without the noun for the role or profession)
- The children must then consider what objects might be found in the container etc if it belonged to a footballer/ prince etc. For example in Sophie's rucksack she had a crown,a dress and a ring- all for her role as "Princess Sophie"!
- Can the children use bilingual dictionaires to find the objects to put in their containers?
- And now we have our final game- display the containers and number them. Invite children to investigate the nouns in the containers - can they guess the role or profession from the objects in the bag?
- The children must write down the number of the container and the noun for the role or profession they have guessed.
- Invite the children to bring their containers to the front and to say the complete sentence with the role or profession .
- Which children have guessed the correct role or profession for each container?
- And finally we can take a photo of the container, insert the face of the child and load the picture on to Chatterpix or Yakit for Kids - now thew children can record for posterity their aspirational role or profession!