Flights of imagination with language learning
I really love to think out of the box and hope that some of the activities I create allow children tom explore the world of their imagination in another language and learning arena. It works for me because it helps me to allow learners to make the link that language is language and is a vehicle to explore the World!
Over the last year I have posted the following blog posts which demand that language learners explore their own imaginations through target language learning with a practical language learning purpose. Hope that the list below helps somebody out there to do something similar with their learners!
- Just what is happening? A triarama with speaking and writing attitude
- Watch,look,think of descriptions and imagine the magic of Christmas based on a silent film clip
- French poem about autumn from Maurice Careme using drama and grammar to create your own Autumn performance walk
- The power of books and creating interesting imaginative sentences
- Exploring physical and emotional descriptions of famous art using techniques from If a picture paints a thousand words
- Simple past tense and mood swing poems
- Investigating a French poem sept couleurs magiques
- Poems from our own imaginations on the seaside with an authentic poem stimulus the seaside
- Mystery and drama in the cafe based on video clip of famous "Dejeuner du matin
- Imagining and creating the simple text to fit the book title.What's behind the book title?
- Language learning and drama
- Conveying emotions through Art and drama with UKS2