A celebration fit for a King third blog post! Fiesta fireworks!

What a brilliant reason to hold a fiesta!

A fiesta without fireworks just wouldn't be a Spanish fiesta ....so why not try a performance based on our simple firework poem. (A poem that some of our network children will already be familiar with from bonfire night).
It's about learning the poem and adding actions and sounds for the fireworks

İfantástico! İfantástico!
Hay muchas estrellas
İfantástico! İfantástico!
Hay muchas estrellas

Now you need a firework show for your fiesta

 MyFavourite Roman Candle Colour Firework
Practise the colours mentioned in the poem and askthe children to make a mental list of the fireworks in the order that they likethe colours or in alphabetical order.
Ask for volunteers to come to the front andpretend to be a Roman Candle and burn out colour by colour, so the child startsstanding upright and ends up on the last colour crouched down.

A Cognate Catherine Wheel
Look at the language in the target language poem. Ask the children to draw a circle divided into eight equal sections. In each section ask them to record one of the colours as the target language word in  a spiral shape like a Catherine wheel.Give each child a lolly stick and attach the circles to the lolly stick now they have a firework to wave and twirl as they say the poem with you. 
AClass Performance
Learn the Firework poem with the class and thenadd performance. Groups of children miming the actions of different fireworks. The whole class chant poem and at different points in the poem children performtheir group mime of a firework. Don't forget the children's Catherine Wheels for the performance.

With younger learners to the familiar tune of the Farmer's in his Den we created a Bonfire Night firework song - which will work really well for your firework celebrations fit for a King! Don't forget to make this a dance and a performance with different types of sounds and volumes for the colours .It really is very simple ..... but great fun!

To the tuneof ‘The Farmer’s in his Den’
  • Group the children into 5 groups bycolour. 
  •  Each group is to create anaction in the style of a firework for their colour.  
  • When they sing the song, the fun is in makingthe colour sound like a firework.
  • Everyone joins in with ‘Fuegos artificiales’

  Los Fuegos Artificiales
Los fuegosartificiales
Los fuegosartificiales
İRojo, rojo,rojo , rojo!
Los fuegosartificiales
Los fuegosartificiales
İAzul  azul azul azul!
Los fuegosartificiales
Los fuegosartificiales
İVerde,verde, verde, verde!
Los fuegosartificiales
Los fuegosartificiales
Los fuegos artificiales
Los fuegosartificiales
İNaranja,ranja, ranja, ranja!


A celebration fit for a King....fourth blog post.Let's have a party


A celebration fit for a King.... second blog post.Bring something to eat and drink!