This morning I sat down with the HOF, Julie Sutcliffe, at University Academy High School to plan a link lesson visit to local clusterprimary schools. Here is another “work in progress” transition project that JLNare working on.
First a little context , over the last 18 months the HighSchool language staff and I have been considering the links between KS2 and KS3.The school has access to the JLN SOW JLN SOW. The high school runs an alternate yearFrench Spanish Y7 language learning programme with the option to pick up the secondlanguage in Year 8.We are looking for simple solutions to local transition here.
Julie is aware that some of the children are just setting off and other children are writing simple texts in the present tense.Over the next couple of years the children will all begin to work at a similar level
Last academic yearJulie and I looked for links between KS2 and KS3 learning by using the SOW as ourreference point. All Julie’s main cluster primary schools are working at anearly or more advanced stage with this SOW in French or Spanish. We werelooking for links – in language , structure and skills..
Julie and I then adapted the current 2013-14 Year 7 firstterm learning scheme, offering KS2 children the opportunity to share priorlearning, access familiar games and songs and use familiar learning tools and approaches.We considered ways of sharing knowledge across the two languages of French andSpanish to bring children up to speed or to allow children to value theknowledge that have gained during their primary language career. Last Summerterm we held staff training for the secondary language department to look atprior learning and development of skills.

There was a light bulb moment when we saw a way forward forthis high school and its year 7 intake! How often do we as linguists move fromFrench to Spanish to find key words or to understand structure or grammar? Aslinguists we can promote with the children in Year 7 some of our “tricks of thetrade” and how we can reinforce “language linking skills” they may not as yethave realised they possess! We are therefore building on prior languagelearning and knowledge as the new DfE POS asks KS3 to do!
The children in Year 7 this year have made the links betweenthe language learning that took place (mainly in French in KS2) and the newlanguage for most of the children in Autumn term Y7 in Spanish. Masculine/feminine nouns- much easier to develop , because there have been similar linksmade in KS2, foods, animals, days of the week ,months of the year etc, etc– the children as “language detectivesand explorers” are simply making links between prior learning of French and thenew language of Spanish.
The children who have arrived in Year 7 with Spanishare not being held back as the speed with which links are made between Frenchand Spanish is allowing progression to happen quite naturally. I loved an emailearlier in the year from Julie that toldme the children just conjugated the verb “tener” because they could already dothis in French and they understood why and how!
Sowhat comes next? Well that’s what we have been planning today. Next year thecohort arrive with French and learn French in Year 7 .So Julie’s challenge withthis next year’s academic cohort is to look more deeply at the skillsthe children are bringing with them from KS2 and how to build on these in alanguage they are familiar with already We remind ourselves all the time thatwe are helping young language learners with competent basic skills become linguists.So what skills of a linguist have the children already developed?
Reading thison paper or hearing it from me for Julie is not the same as actually experiencing this.With limited time and finding days that suit primary and secondary, Julie is flippingthe languages and trialling the following school visit to two cluster schools,where the children learn French. They are going to exploresome text level Spanish… because don’t forget she also needs to promote the Year8 second language option. After the trial visits she will be better equipped toinform her secondary colleagues about what to expect of young year 7 languagelearners who are looking forward to becoming linguists!
Theactivities are based on this you tube clip ………….
And a power pointword document that one of the associate Spanish JLN teacher uses to help her KS2classes in Y4 when they learn this song with both the words and pictures to explain the actions and body parts.
Why have we chosen this?
All the children will have practised the parts of the bodyin Year 4 as part of the class alien building activities and throughout their languagelearning with songs such as “Heads, shoulders, knees and toes”. Take look here –Karen the teacher at one of the cluster schools presented her simple ideas aboutthe use of Mr Potato Head to practise parts of the body with Year 4 French.
It is a song that the Year 6 class teachers can then followup and practise and use as part of their end of year leaving assembly or aspart of their World Cup celebrations andlink to the Brazilian Crown making
activities as a Spanish samba style dance!
It also allows Julie to get beyond word level quite quickly ,allows her to engage with the primary style of language learning and to promotethe liveliness, cross curricular nature and effectiveness of speaking another language!
Below are the simple steps and activities that Julie willfollow when she visit and works with the trial cluster primary year 6 groups .Sheshould meet approximately 90 children in total in the two schools and willfeedback her simple observations to secondary colleagues that are written belowin red.We will let you know in a later blog post how she gets on!
1.French – revisitfamiliar body parts language with a song e.g. Heads, shoulders , knees and toes/Jean petit qui danse (nb You Tube clip)
Reinforce and practise/ revisit language so all childrenare comfortable with the key words for transfer activities.
Feedback : knowledge and retentionof language
You Tube clips: Jean petit qui danse / Heads, shoulders , kneesand toes
2.Spanish key wordcards / French key word cards- matching activity
Promote the skill : finding meaning of new languagethrough second language knowledge
Seeing links andpatterns in words from different languages
Feedback : making links betweenla familiar and an unfamiliar language
Spanish body part word cards
French body part word cards
3.Finding thekey words in the Spanish bilingual dictionary What else can we now find outabout these nouns
Use of bilingual dictionary
Recognition of masculine and feminine nouns
Feedback : prior understandingof how to use a bilingual dictionary/are children aware of masculine andfeminine nouns and how to use the (m) and (f) to find this out?
Spanish bilingual dictionaries – one between two –provided by high school.
4.Match thewritten word to the spoken word
Listen ,read, respond activity
Feedback : listening for key sounds /word recognition skills
Spanish word cards for children
Teacher to only use spoken word
5. Listen andwatch the You Tube clip – which just show the words of the text. Spot the keywords and point to the correct part of the body
Identifying and understanding key familiar words in an unfamiliartext.
Feedback : accessing sentencelevel text to find familiar language.
You Tube clip
6.Add themissing words to a text
Look forcognates / semi cognates in commands within text
Understand text by accessing picture and clue prompts
To feedback :following a foreign language text and anticipating key language. Exploringunfamiliar text by context
PPT of song with pictures on IWB – key body partsomitted.
Children have Spanish word cards
7.Perform thesong
Recall prior knowledge and familiar language
Listen, read, respond and join in
You tube clip
8.Leave text andsong for follow up by class teacher as part of World Cup/ end of yearcelebrations
9. Children’sfeedback
Children to complete simple slip of paper with 3 pointsthat they have realised/ considered/ explored whilst exploring a new and unfamiliarlanguage about their own language skills
Feedback to secondary colleagues
Paper for children