No need to look any further for your CPD & support, every school has a comprehensive list of training as part of their subscription.

Whole School CPD

If you are a Full PLN Member, book a whole school CPD with Will

He has led hundreds of sessions to non-specialist teachers, getting them using the system and enjoying teaching languages.


Primary Languages Members Network Session

Kate Percival, experienced language teacher, subject coordinator and PLN trainer will deliver a 90 min interactive session to boost your skills and confidence as MFL Subject Lead every half term.

(90 mins)

Online training courses

Coordinators who want to upskill by themselves, or who don’t hve the time to come to the sessions can access our online training courses, with focuses on racking & assessment, understanding progression and much more.

Effective Coordination

A great starter session in subjects coordination, designed to build out your knowledge of what effective looks like, and also to build your first coordinator file.

(45 mins)

Outstanding Coordination

If languages are well-established at your school, and you have been leading your subject effectively now you might be thinking about refining your practice and reaching not only effective but outstanding coordination. If that is the case, then this is the CPD session for you. This best done at least a year after the effective coordination course

(60 mins)

Planet Languages App Demo

Whether you are already using the Planet Languages companion App or want to know more before you decide, this session is for you.

A new, more user-friendly version is now available and thousands of pupils are accessing it in their own time as part of their primary school language learning.

(30-45 mins)

Expert consultation with PLN expert

Book a 1-1 with one of our experts anytime, to discuss solutions with challenges you are facing. Some common themes, upcoming OfSted, Mixed-aged, changing languages, lack of coordinator confidence etc.


Developing leadership in Primary Languages

A full-day course for subject leaders. Lead by Kate Percival, ideal for new teachers to the role, ECT teachers or inexperienced coordinators who want the full training in-order to deliver languages effectively from day 1. This i sour most comprehensive course, and is very popular, so book in well in advance.


Explore more below